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On May 9, the Opening Ceremony of USTC-UW Institute for Global Business and Finance Innovation was held in Foster School of Business, University of Washington Seattle Campus. More than 30 people attended this ceremony, including Jeffrey Riedinger, Vice Provost of UW, James Jiambalvo, Dean of Foster School of Business, Xiaoping Chen, Associate Dean of Foster School of Business, Yu Yugang, Executive Dean of School of Management at USTC , Lu Wei, Assistant Dean of School of Management at USTC, Guo Xinshuai, Director of Finance Education of School of Management at USTC, and other administrators from Office of Global Affairs of UW, Chairs of Departments and Centers, faculty members from Foster School of Business also attended the ceremony.

On the ceremony, Vice Provost Jeffrey Riedinger first made a speech to congratulate the successful cooperation between UW and USTC. He mentioned UW is a university that welcomes worldwide cooperation and UW ranked No.11 in 2017 US News. He warmly welcomed the USTC-UW Institute for Global Business and Finance Innovation. "We want to show our welcome to the Institute with a brand new Mackenzie Hall in the near future. The Institute will be located in the new Mackenzie Hall when it is ready," he said.

Dean James Jiambalvo gave a speech on behalf of Foster School of Business. He introduced the background information of Foster School of Business and he said, "I am so pleased to see that School of Management at University of Science and Technology of China chose Foster as the primary international partner to establish the Institute in Seattle. Our faculty members are so excited about the new Institute. I wish the cooperation between two universities could achieve the expected outcome."

Executive Dean Yu Yugang introduced the background of USTC and School of Management. He mentioned that USTC belonged to the C9 League and ranked No.4 on the Chinese mainland in 2017 US News. School of Management is a business school that emphasizes research. During 2015 and 2016, it ranked No.3 on the Chinese mainland by the number of papers published in UTD journals in management science and in particular, its SCI paper reached 159 in 2016 ranking No.1 in C9 business schools. Currently, USTC is making great effort to build International Institute of Finance under the support of Hefei City. "The cooperation between UW and USTC will greatly improve the quality of two schools' education and research thus enhancing the international influence of both schools," he said "I hope that under the joint effort, the Institute could possess some world-leading education and research programs with international impact."

Associate Dean Xiaoping Chen reviewed the cooperation process of the Institute and introduced the current structure of the Institute.

Dean James Jiambalvo and Excecutive Dean Yu Yugang unveiled the plaque for the Institute together.

The USTC-UW Institute for Global Business and Finance Innovation is under directorship of Co-director James Jiambalvo and Co-director Yu Yugang. Yong Tan, as the Associate Director (He is a leading international expert on Information System and Data Analytics, and he is also the first Chinese who won INFORMS Distinguished Fellow Award in Nov. 2016, besides, Yong Tan is also an alumnus of USTC), is responsible for the establishment and management of the Institute. Dr. Wei Yongfeng from School of Management at USTC is the Project Manager of the Institute. She assists Yong Tan to promote programs in the Institute. There are 11 professors who have joined in the Institute as Research Fellows from Foster School of Business, and there are three research centers, namely Center for Finance Research, Center for Data Analytics and Center for Innovation Management. The Institute office and labs has officially put into use in May 2017, located in Mackenzie Hall on University of Washington Seattle Campus. Currently, Bachelor/Master 3+1+X Program, International Summer Internship Program, and Visiting Scholar Program have already started. Some other programs, such as Dual MBA, Joint Doctor, Talents Recruitment, Team Building and Joint Research will start soon.

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