Comprehensive Think Tank for Regional Scientific and Technological Innovation in Anhui Province

This think tank is primarily focused on serving the scientific and technological innovation development of Anhui Province, aiming to establish a high-end think tank for comprehensive research and policy studies on Anhui's technological innovation. The center consists of three research units: Anhui Province Key Base of Humanities and Social Sciences (Business Management Innovation Research Center), the editorial department of 50 Essays on China’s Innovation and Anhui Association of Development Strategic Research (the province's first batch of key cultivation base).


Brand Activities: Fuoziling Forum

So far, the Anhui Provincial Development Strategy Research Association has successfully held four sessions of the Fuoziling Forum. The themes of each session are as follows:

- 2019: 70 Years of Anhui Development and Future Prospects

- 2020: New Starting Point • New Momentum • New Leap

- 2021: New Stage • New Concepts • New Patterns

- 2022: Development Strategies for Anhui after the 20th CPC National Congress

The forum focuses on major issues and strategic deployments for the future development of Anhui. It invites experts from various fields, including provincial universities, research institutions, and municipal party schools (administrative academies), to submit papers and discuss Anhui's economic and social development.

Objectives of the Foziling Forum:

1. Creating a New Research Platform: The forum establishes a new type of academic think tank research platform, integrating and consolidating experts and scholars from various economic think tanks within the province. This facilitates interdisciplinary and cross-field research, providing a comprehensive and systematic observation and analysis of Anhui's economic development issues, strategic ideas, and countermeasures.

2. Enhancing Think Tank Functions: By converting research results into think tank outcomes, the forum breaks the traditional self-entertainment academic model and directly provides effective intellectual services to the provincial government.

3. Building an Academic Community: The forum gathers the collective wisdom of numerous experts and scholars, creating a collaborative effort to shape Anhui's economic research as a regional brand.


Notable Research Achievements:

- Research on Promoting Innovation-Driven Development during the 14th Five-Year Plan Period in Anhui Province

- Path Measures to Leverage the Innovative Dynamics of the 'Four Ones' Main Platform to Build an Internationally Influential Innovation Capital during the 14th Five-Year Plan Period

- Industrial Development Plan for Dongqiao Airport Industrial Cooperation Zone in Jin'an District, Lu'an


