The Incubator & Accelerator Center for Science & Technology Innovation

In alignment with the national strategy for scientific and technological innovation and to enhance the level of local science, technology, and economic development, the International Institute of Finance has established a specialized agency for the commercialization of scientific and technological achievements—the Technology Entrepreneurship Center.

The center is oriented towards incubating and nurturing strategic emerging industries, focusing on the latest outcomes such as new technologies, new products, and new business forms. It uses deep integration as a bond, leveraging the mutual empowerment of talent, technology, finance, and policy. The aim is to incubate and cultivate a group of hardcore technology unicorn enterprises that master key technologies.

The center is designed to become an efficient technology transfer center where all elements of government, industry, academia, research, finance, and application are optimally allocated. It promotes the modern industrial upgrade within the region, sets a benchmark for the cultivation of local science and technology-oriented industrial talent, and fosters the development of innovative science and technology services.

- It focuses on strategic emerging industries.

- It concentrates on the latest achievements in technology and business.

- It strengthens the integration of academia and local community.

- It maximizes the interplay of talent, technology, finance, and policy.

- It targets the development of technology leaders in key sectors.

- It builds an efficient hub for technology transfer and industry synergy.

- It advances regional industrial modernization.

- It cultivates a talent pool for science and technology industries.

- It benchmarks the development of innovative tech services.